Friday, December 2, 2011

Robust.exe Services Running OpenSim in Grid mode
I've recently been wondering how to run multiple Opensim instances at the same time...and how to implement some of the optional modules like Voice and offline services for email IMs etc....Robust Services seems to offer the solution. but requires substantial follow-up research before implementation.

Why Robust Services for Opensim?

Robust.exe allows running of  multiple instances of Opensim.exe simultaneously.  If your hardware is powerful enough (and your user, prim, script and region) demands are minimal enough then these can all run on the same machine. If not, then loads can be balanced across multiple computer servers using Robust.exe.

So, what might Robust look like?

Here is one scenario: 

[1]  Run a Diva distro Hypergirid enabled instance of Opensim.  Keep this mostly plain vanilla (per the Diva binary download version) and always be able to use Diva's Update.exe for upgrades and upgrading.
  1.  Purpose is Friends and Family, HG access and Private Workshops. 
  2. Configuration is Walled Garden with Hypergrid enabled.
  3. Regions:  the standard Diva 4-region Mega, plus three more single regions. Total regions = 7
  4. No public access.
  5. uses Diva's WiFi
  6. Uses Cross-Grid Groups, Friends, and IMs
  7. Uses Offline messaging.
  8. Voice-enabled.
  9.  ?
[2]  Run an OSGrid attached instance of Opensim.exe. One region only, Hypergrid enabled.   Keep this mostly plain vanilla (per the OSGrid binary download version) and always be able to use OSGrid's downnloads for upgrades and upgrading. Uses Cross-Grid Groups, Friends, and IMs -but not many other modules nor addons.
  1.  Purpose is to Offer Freebies, have a Hypergate, and also build a small private meeting space for use with business prospects, partners, the general public and acquaintances.
  2. Configuration is OSGrid attached default, Hypergrid enabled.
  3. Regions:  One region only.
  4. Yes, public access.
  5. Uses Cross-Grid Groups, Friends, and IMs
  6. Uses Offline messaging.
  7. Voice-enabled.
  8.  ?
[3]  Run a one-region instance of Opensim.exe solely for Business, Commercial selling and Marketing purposes, . Use the default binary available on  Hypergrid enabled, Paypal and at least one additional currency. Cross-Grid Groups, Friends, and IMs -but not many other modules nor addons.
  1.  Purpose is retail storefront, have a Hypergate, and also build a small private meeting space for use with business prospects, partners, the general public and acquaintances.
  2. Configuration is Maybe an binary.
  3. Regions:  One region only.
  4. Yes, public access.
  5. Uses Cross-Grid Groups, Friends, and IMs
  6. Uses Offline messaging.
  7. Uses Pay-Pal.
  8. MAP shows hard-linked OSGrid region (above). 
  9. Uses one other Metaverse currency (Vioxx? or others?). 
  10. Voice-enabled.
  11. NPC?
  12.  ?
[4]  Run a Sandbox instance of Opensim.exe - Usually not online.  This instance is for temporary testing and configruation. Only running while testing occurs.

...hmmm things to think about...


Researching Robust installation, configuration, and administration with Opensim.exe.
Distill findings into a  written "How To" process.
Determine costs/benefits.
Determine if goals can be met with Fewer instances of Opensim.exe.
Determine TimeLines.
Decide:  Go or NoGo

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